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Dr. Paul M. Torrens, Computer Science and Engineering, Tandon School & Center for Urban Science + Progress, New York University

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New paper published: Zhang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Peng, X.; Achitoff, S.; Torrens, P.M.; Sun, Q. (2024). "May the force be with you: dexterous finger force-aware VR interface." Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). Bellevue, WA, USA, October 21-25, 2024. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE.. (November 1, 2024.)

New paper published: Kim, R. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Boundary SPH for robust particle-mesh interaction in three dimensions." Algorithms, 17(5): 218. (May 16, 2024.)

Journal paper accepted: Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Ten traps for non-representational theory in human geography." To appear in Geographies. (April 14, 2024.)

Conference paper accepted: Kim, R. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Building verisimilitude in VR with high-fidelity local action models: a demonstration supporting road-crossing experiments." To appear as Full Paper in: 38th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS '24). (April 2, 2024.)

Conference paper accepted: Vyas, H. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Tackling "leaky" facial and object recognition operations over federated learning". To appear in: Interdisciplinary Conference on Electrics and Computer (INTCEC 2024), Romeoville, IL, June 11-13, 2024.. (April 2, 2024.)

New paper published: Torrens, P.M. & Kim, R. (2024). "Evoking embodiment in immersive geosimulation environments." Annals of GIS, 30(1): 35-66. (February 29, 2024.)

New paper published: Torrens, P.M. & Kim, R. (2024). "Using immersive virtual reality to study road-crossing sustainability in fleeting moments of space and time." Sustainability, 16(3): 1327. (January 5, 2024.)

New paper publsihed: Chen, M.; Liu, X.; Claramunt, C.; Çöltekin, A.; Peng, P.; Lotfian, M.; Robinson, A.C.; Golay, F.; Joost, S.; Ingensand, I.; Batty, M.; Kwan, M-P.; Senousi, A.M.; Cheng, T.; Strobl, J.; Wilson, J.; Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.; Torrens, P.M.; Zhang, F.; He, L.; Wang, J.; Ratti, C.; Kolditz, O.; Klippel, A.; Li, S.; Lin, H.; Lü, G. (2023). "Human-in-the-loop artificial intelligence and visual analytics in spatial sciences and cyberspace: research opportunities and challenges". Earth Science Reviews, 104438, (open access). (April 21, 2023)

New paper accepted: Torrens, P.M. and Gu, S. (2023). "Inverse augmentation: transposing real people into pedestrian models". Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 100: 101923. (Open access.) (November 29, 2022)

New paper accepted: Torrens, P.M. (2022). "Smart and sentient retail high streets". Smart Cities 5(4): 10.3390/smartcities5040085. (November 24, 2022)

New paper: Torrens, P.M. (2022). Data science for pedestrian and high street retailing as a framework for advancing urban informatics to individual scales. Urban Informatics 1: 9. Open access. (October 3, 2022)

Paper accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2022/ACM Transactions on Graphics. Zhang, Y., B. Liang, B. Chen, P.M. Torrens, S. F. Atashzar, D. Lin, and Q. Sun (2022). "Force-aware interface via electromyography for natural VR/AR interaction". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41 (6):268: 1-18. (October 3, 2022).

Paper accepted to Cell Press's new journal, The Innovation, Chen, M.; Liu, X.; Claramunt, C.; Batty, M.; Kwan, M.; Senousi, A.M.; Cheng, T; Strobl, J.; Arzu, C.; Wilson, J.; Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.; Torrens, P.M.; Li, H.; Wang, J.; Ratti, C.; Kolditz, O.; Klippel, A.; Li, S.; Lin, H.; Zhang, F.; Lü, G. (2022) “Geographic Information Science (GIScience) in the era of geospatial big data: Opportunities and challenges from a cyberspace perspective”. The Innovation. (June 1, 2022). Open access here.

Paper accepted to the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (JEIC), "Agent models of customer journeys on retail high streets". [<--- Open access.] (April 4, 2022).

Paper accepted to the GeoSim2021 workshop in the 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021). This is the first paper on our new scheme to build human-in-the-loop geosimulation on mixed reality platforms. With Simin Gu from NYU IDM (October 12, 2021). Available by open access at ACM: Torrens, P.M. & Gu, S. (2021) "Real-time experiential geosimulation in virtual reality with immersion-emission". In GeoSim '21: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation. November 2, 2021, pp. 19-28. 10.1145/3486184.3491079. (November 2, 2021).

New grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Computing and Communication Foundations with team at Georgia Tech, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Michigan: "Collaborative Research: National Symposium on PRedicting Emergence of Virulent Entities by Novel Technologies (PREVENT)" (January 20, 2021).

New grant from the National Science Foundation's Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program: "RAPID: Examining public spatial behavior during the COVID-19 outbreak" (April 1, 2020).

Contact details >>

Center for Urban Science + Progress

+1 (646) 997-0500 [main office]

New York University

370 Jay St., 13th Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA




GIS movement tracks

Capturing body language

GIS movement tracks

Massive ice CA

GIS movement tracks

Spatiotemporal GIS

GIS movement tracks

Urban simulation in GIS

GIS movement tracks

Big data movement analytics


climate indicators spatial analysis

Land indicators of climate

geosimulation high performance computing

High-performance computing and networking for geosimulation

earthquake model agent based GIS

Earthquake models

CA ice sheet model

Ice-sheet modeling

kinect control of GIS and robots
Robot motion control

simulating disasters ABM GIS
Human behavior in critical scenarios

crowd model riot model simulation wired

Modeling riots

physics engine GIS

Dynamic physics for built infrastructure

moving agents through space and time

Moving agents through space and time

validating agent based models

Validating agent-based models

machine learning GIS

Machine-learning behavioral geography

high performance computing urban simulation emergence

Accelerating agent-based models

megacity models

Megacity futures

immersive modeling

Immersive modeling

space-time GIS

Space-time GIS and analysis

measuring sprawl

A toolkit for measuring sprawl

space-time GIS

Modeling time, space, and behavior

simulating crowd behavior

Simulating crowd behavior

wi-fi geography

Wi-Fi geography

Simulating sprawl

Simulating sprawl